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Found 21 holiday lets and cottages in Waterville, County Kerry, Ireland
These results include self catering holiday cottages, lodges, apartments and other accommodation in and around Waterville, County Kerry, offering comparison between holiday lets from both top providers and private owners. Use the checkboxes below to filter the results by features or read our Guide to Waterville, County Kerry.
(Need a hotel instead? Find hotels in Waterville here.)
| | | | https://www.imagineireland.com/Content/images/properties/l/3737/3737-01.jpg |
From Imagine Ireland's collection of holiday cottages in Waterville, County Kerry. View details about '3737 Ring of Kerry' or Read reviews.
3737 Ring of Kerry |
Waterville | | https://www.imagineireland.com/Content/images/properties/l/12729/12729-01.jpg |
From Imagine Ireland's collection of holiday cottages in Waterville, County Kerry. View details about '12729 Ring of Kerry' or Read reviews.
12729 Ring of Kerry |
Waterville | | https://www.imagineireland.com/Content/images/properties/l/6858/6858-01.jpg |
From Imagine Ireland's collection of holiday cottages in Waterville, County Kerry. View details about '6858 Ring of Kerry' or Read reviews.
6858 Ring of Kerry |
Waterville | | https://www.imagineireland.com/Content/images/properties/l/875/875-01.jpg |
From Imagine Ireland's collection of holiday cottages in Waterville, County Kerry. View details about '875 Ring of Kerry' or Read reviews.
875 Ring of Kerry |
Waterville | | https://www.imagineireland.com/Content/images/properties/l/1237/1237-01.jpg |
From Imagine Ireland's collection of holiday cottages in Waterville, County Kerry. View details about '1237 Ring of Kerry' or Read reviews.
1237 Ring of Kerry |
Waterville | | https://www.imagineireland.com/Content/images/properties/l/4841/4841-01.jpg |
From Imagine Ireland's collection of holiday cottages in Waterville, County Kerry. View details about '4841 Ring of Kerry' or Read reviews.
4841 Ring of Kerry |
Waterville | | https://www.imagineireland.com/Content/images/properties/l/15619/15619-01.jpg |
From Imagine Ireland's collection of holiday cottages in Waterville, County Kerry. View details about '15619 Ring of Kerry' or Read reviews.
15619 Ring of Kerry |
Waterville | | https://www.imagineireland.com/Content/images/properties/l/14825/14825-01.jpg |
From Imagine Ireland's collection of holiday cottages in Waterville, County Kerry. View details about '14825 Ring of Kerry' or Read reviews.
14825 Ring of Kerry |
Waterville | | https://www.imagineireland.com/Content/images/properties/l/14116/14116-01.jpg |
From Imagine Ireland's collection of holiday cottages in Waterville, County Kerry. View details about '14116 Ring of Kerry' or Read reviews.
14116 Ring of Kerry |
Waterville | | https://www.imagineireland.com/Content/images/properties/l/3719/3719-01.jpg |
From Imagine Ireland's collection of holiday cottages in Waterville, County Kerry. View details about '3719 Ring of Kerry' or Read reviews.
3719 Ring of Kerry |
Waterville | |
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About Waterville, County Kerry
Waterville is situated on a narrow strip of land in County Kerry, Ireland, with Lough Currane on the east side and Ballinskelligs Bay on the west. The Currane River links the two. The beautiful Lake Currane is reputed to have some of the best salmon and sea trout angling in Europe, while Ballinskelligs Bay presents spectacular views to those staying in Waterville. This picturesque village is renowned as a golfing destination - Waterville Golf links has been voted the 5th best golf course in UK and Ireland. It was also the favourite holiday destination of Charlie Chaplin and his family, who first visited in 1959 and came back every year for over ten years. There is a statue of him in the centre of the village, and an Annual Comedy Film Festival is held in his memory.
Waterville is home to a market, cafes, restaurants and gift shops. It is an excellent base from which explore the area, with opportunities for bird-watching, boat-trips, rock-climbing, cycling, hill-walking, kayaking, mountaineering and orienteering.
Other towns and villages nearby include Ballinskelligs, Caherdaniel, Cahersiveen, Knightstown, and Chapeltown.
Looking for a short winter break or somewhere to visit during half term or the Christmas holidays? Read more in our Travel Guide to Waterville, County Kerry which in addition to holiday lets in Waterville also provides hotel, B&B and campsite search, as well as the weather in Waterville, things to do in Waterville, cycling and walking in Waterville, and much more!
Getting There...

Travelling to Ireland? Then don't forget the ferry! Not only does travelling by ferry give you
the freedom of taking your own car but it provides a superb experience of travelling
by sea and exploring the coastline. With routes between Holyhead and Dublin, or Pembroke and Rosslare, we recommend
Irish Ferries for great, low-cost, transport. They are the leading Irish ferry company and provide both an excellent service, and excellent prices.

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